Iko kudikanwa kwezvakanaka zvikamu machining muCCC machine!


CNC lathe kuti ikwanise kushandisa michina yediki uye yepakati batchkugadzira and improve working conditions... In addition, it also has a series of advantages such as high productivity, stable machining accuracy and low product cost. In order to further play these advantages, CNC CNC lathe is to "process concentration", that is, a CNC CNC lathe in a clamping parts can be completed after multi-process kugadzira CNC CNC lathe (i.e. machining center) aspects of development.


Kuchera, kufinha, kugaya, kutendeuka uye imwe chete-basa CNC lathe inongokwanisa kupedzisa kuchera, kufinha, kugaya, kutendeuka uye kumwe kuita kwega, nepo muchina wekugadzira indasitiri, mazhinji matunhu anoda multi-process kugadzira... Mune iyo yese machining maitiro eiyo imwechete-basa CNC lathe, iyo nguva yakanyatso shandiswa kucheka chete maakaundi eanosvika makumi matatu%, uye yakawanda yenguva yasara inopedzerwa pabasa rekubatsira sekumisikidza, kugadzirisa maturusi, kubata, kurodha uye kuburutsa zvikamu uye kuongorora machining kunyatso. Muchiitiko chezvikamu zvinoda kuita akasiyana maitiro, kuroora-basa CNC lathe basa kunyatsoshanda haisati yakakwira ... Machining centre - kazhinji ine otomatiki chishandiso shanduko basa, zvikamu zvekunamatira zvinogona kupedzwa mushure mekuboora, kufinha, kugaya, rega kunyura, kurova uye mamwe maitiro.

1, Dzokorora kugadzirwa kweiyo workpiece.
 The market demand of some products is cyclical and seasonal, if the use of special production lines is not worth obtaining, the use of ordinary equipment kugadzira efficiency is too low, the quality is not stable, and the quantity is difficult to ensure. And use CNC machining center, after the first piece (batch) trial cut, you can keep the program and related production information, the next time to produce the product, as long as there is little preparation time to start production.Cnc machine centrework time includes preparation work time and machining work time... TheCnc machine centredistributes the very long single-piece machining work time equally to each workpiece, reducing the average actual work time for each production and greatly shortening the production cycle.

2, Yakakwira chaiyo workpiece
    Some workpieces need very little, but are critical parts, requiring high precision and short lead time, and the use of traditional processes using multiple lathes to coordinate work, its long cycle time, low efficiency, in the long process, it is easy to artificially influence the production of scrap, thus causing significant economic losses. And usingCnc machine centrefor kugadzira, the production is completely controlled automatically by the program. Avoid the long process flow, reduce the hardware investment and human interference, with high production efficiency and stable quality.


3, kugadzirwa kwemazhinji ekushanda.
Iko kuchinjika kweCCC machining Center kugadzirwa hakuratidzwe chete mukupindura nekukurumidza kune zvakakosha zvinodiwa, asi zvakare kunogona kukurumidza kuwana kugadzirwa kwemazhinji uye kugadzirisa kukwikwidza kwemusika. Cnc machine centre yakakodzera diki uye svikiro kadikidiki batch mangé kugadzirwa, kunyanya diki batch mangé kugadzirwa, mukushandisaCnc machine centre. Efforts to make the batch larger than the economic batch, to achieve good economic results... With the continuous development of CNC machining center, the economic batch is getting smaller and smaller, for some complex workpieces, 5-10 pieces can be produced, and even single piece production can be considered when using Cnc machine centre.


4, zvishandiso zvebasa zvinogona kuiswa munzvimbo dzakawanda uye nhepfenyuro


5, iyo yekushandira ine yakaoma chimiro


Kubatana kweina-akabatana, kubatanidza mashanu-akabatanaCnc machine centreapplications, as well as the maturity and development of CAD / CAM technology, greatly improving the complexity of the workpiece kugadzira . . the use of DNC so that the same program of kugadzira content is sufficient to meet a variety of kugadzira needs, so that the automatic kugadzira of complex workpieces become easy to do.