Kuchinja-chinja kuvandudzwa kwegear kuisa kuisa chigadziko chemubato zvikamu


Kuti uwedzere chimiro cheyakagadziriswa mukugadzirwa chaiko, kubvisa simba rekumisikidza pamusoro pekurongeka kweiyo workpiece uye kudzikisa mutengo wekugadzira, dhizaini dhizaini yekuumba zvikamu zve shaft zvakagadziridzwa. Mhedzisiro inoshanda inoratidza kuti nzira yacho inogoneka.

1 Sumo
Inmachine, zvigadzikoanowanzo shandiswa kumisikidza uye kusungira mashopu ekushandira. Mukugadzira kwakawanda, kuitira kupfupisa nguva yekuita, kugadzirisa kunatsiridza kwekugadzira, uye panguva imwechete kudzikisira kusimba kwevashandi kweanoshanda, akasiyana majegi akakosha anoshandiswa zvakanyanya. Yedu YKH5132H CNC giya kuumba muchina ndeye yakakwira-inoshanda CNC muchina chishandiso yakanyatsogadzirirwa mota, yekudzora uye indasitiri yemauto. Vamwe vashandisi vakaratidza kuti kana uchishandisa chishandiso chemuchina kugadzirisa imwe mhando yemotokari yekufambisa giya shaft (ona Mufananidzo 1), iko kururamisa kwemuchina kunowanzoita kunge kwakanyanya kusarongeka. Mushure mekutaurirana nemushandisi, zvakaonekwa kuti dambudziko rekupinda kwemushandisi hakuna chinhu. Mune mita yekutsauka kune yekushandira pamusoro uye pazasi petafura yekumisikidza tafura, iyo yekuvharira yakamanikana chikamu chekururama chinodarika varombo, asi nekuti iyo yekumusoro maitiro haigone kuvandudzwa, iko kuri kuuya kwechokwadi zvinhu hakugone kuvandudzwa, saka isu tinogona kungofunga kubva mukuita kwechirongwa ichi, ndiko kuti, iyo giya inoisa yekugadzirisa kugadzirisa dhizaini. Parizvino, nekuda kwedambudziko rekushomeka kwakaringana, chiyero chechimedu chakakwirira panguva yekutengesa batch pamutambo uripo, unokanganisa mhando yechigadzirwa. Neichi chikonzero, mutengi akakumbira kambani yedu kuti iwedzere kugadzirisa zviripo. Mukupindura kumamiriro ezvinhu aya, chigadzikiso chiripo chakavandudzwa, icho chakaderedza zvikuru mwero wezvirimwa uye chakasimudzira kugadzirwa kwese.

Mufananidzo 1 YeMotokari yekufambisa giya shaft

2 Dambudziko Tsananguro

Inorder to solve the problem of high scrap rate of auto kutapurirana giyashaft inogadziriswa neYKH5132H CNC giya yekumisikidza muchina, chekutanga, takaongorora edu ega mashandiro uye takaongorora kubereka kweiyo collet chuck, yepazasi nzvimbo, yepamusoro nzvimbo yemuswe wemuswe uye chishandiso chine muzana tafura, uye hapana dambudziko rakawanikwa. Kana iyo chitubu chuck ikadhonzwa pasi kuti inamatire denderedzwa rekunze kweiyo workpiece, iyo yekudhonza simba rezasi hydraulic cylinder yakakura kwazvo, saka iyo chitubu chuck inozokanganisa iyo workpiece uye yepazasi nzvimbo gomba reiyo workpiece inomanikidzwa kuburitswa kunze yekuenderana, saka maburi epakati nepazasi epakati haasi pane imwechete axis.

Kana iko kuiswa kwezino kuchiitwa panguva ino, mushure mekunge workpiece yabuda pachigadziko, iyo yekushandira pachezvayo inokanganisika uye inogadzirisazve, uye kana maburi ekumusoro nechepasi akaongororwa kuitira kunyatso gadzira mazino, mareferensi ekuongorora haapindirani nekugadzirisa. chirevo nyika, iyo inokonzeresa kunyatso kweyekuongorora kudarika muyero uye inogadzira zvimedu.

3 yekutanga yechigarire chimiro chimiro uye optimization zvinodiwa

Inthe original yechigarire, yepazasi tie bar yakabatana neiyo hydraulic cylinder yemushini chishandiso, uye mushure meiyo hydraulic cylinder yatanga kushanda, yepazasi tie bar inofamba ichidzika pasi, ichityaira yakabatana sleeve uye yepamusoro tayi bar, uye yepamusoro tayi bhaa inotyaira tsime chuck pasi kuburikidza neshanduro sleeve. Iyo tapered pamusoro peiyo chitubu chuck uye iyo yakapetwa pamusoro peiyo tapered sleeve inoshanda kuti ibudise kumanikidza kunoenderana kune iyo tapered pamusoro peiyo tapered ruoko, uye saizvozvowo, iyo tapered sleeve inogadzira iyo inotenderera yekumanikidza kuita simba pane iyo chitubu chuck, iyo zvakare inodzvinyirira iyo chitubu chuck uye inosunga iyo yekunze denderedzwa reiyo workpiece.

Kukanganisa kwekutanga yechigarire structure (see Figure 2) is that since the taper sleeve itself is coaxial with the outer surface, the collet plays the role of both positioning and clamping during the contraction process, and the yechigarire and the tailstock have formed the positioning of the upper and lower tops, so the yechigarire structure is an over-positioning structure. This structure requires high machineaccuracy for the positioning and clamping parts of the workpiece itself, which can easily cause machineaccuracy to exceed the standard and make the part scrap, which is also the case in practice. Considering the above problems, the yechigarire structure must be optimized and the clamping and positioning method must be improved.

Figure 2 Original yechigarire structure
1 - yepazasi nzvimbo 2 - yepamusoro nzvimbo 3 - taper sleeve 4 - collet chuck 5 - yekubatanidza ruoko 6 - yepamusoro tayi bhaa 7 - mubatanidzwa 8 -Lower tai bhawa

4 New yechigarire structure scheme
Tichifunga kuti iro repamusoro gomba re shaft chikamu rakajairikamachinereference for finishing, the optimized design of the yechigarire structure needs to remove the positioning function of the collet chuck and only retain the clamping function. The original taper sleeve is changed into a split structure, so that the taper part and the lower center positioning hole part are separated. And keep the clearance between the outer circle of the improved taper sleeve and the inner hole of the chip stopper cover about 0.2mm. In this way, the improved taper sleeve is actually floating (hereinafter called floating taper sleeve) and has the effect of adaptive centering. When the spring-loaded chuck moves downward, the chuck head is shrunk while being influenced by the geometric tolerance of the floating taper sleeve and the workpiece outer circle, the chuck head will adaptively produce a corresponding offset according to the deviation of the workpiece outer circle relative to the top hole, while clamping the workpiece outer circle to achieve the purpose of clamping only and not positioning. The structure of the new yechigarire is shown in Figure 3.

Figure 3 New yechigarire structure
1-Inobatanidza sleeve 2-Clip chimiso 3-Inoyerera taper sleeve 4-Chitubu chuck 5-Yakadzika nzvimbo

The yechigarire design should avoid over-positioning as much as possible, except in high precision requirements or special machining. In this case, the original yechigarire not only has high manufacturing cost, but also requires high accuracy for the workpiece itself, which in effect increases the machinecost of the workpiece and brings unnecessary machinehazards.

5 Mhedziso

Inthe original yechigarire design, kunyange hazvo chirevo che datum chakangoitika uye datum kubatanidzwa kuchitevedzwa, uye pamusoro-kumisikidza yakagadzirirwa chinangwa cheyakakwirira-nemazvo machine, the design does not take into account the problem that the workpiece's own accuracy cannot meet the over-positioning requirement through practical testing, and over-positioning plays a negative role instead. By optimizing the original yechigarire, the over-positioning was eliminated and the positioning and clamping functions were separated to ensure the quality of the workpiece, while the yechigarire was easier to make. At present, the improved yechigarire has been used in the mass production of transmission gear shafts. Practice shows that the accuracy of the parts machined with the improved yechigarire is stable and the scrap rate is greatly reduced compared with that before the improvement, which improves product quality and ensures normal production.